Tidak sederhana kenapa? Ada beberapa point, antara lain:
Terkadang para peakist tidak memasukkan aktivitas eksplorasi, jadi melulu melihat development dari cadangan yang sudah ditemukan. Memang ada argumen, dari sesi volume, temuan cadangan belakangan ini relatif rendah. Namun hal itu tidak disebabkan karena kehabisan prospek untuk menemukan cadangan, tapi lebih disebabkan karena investasi di sektor eksplorasi, pengembangan dan produksi. Budget untuk eksplorasi cenderung turun. Logikanya, dalam era harga minyak tinggi, mungkin IOC secara ekonomi tentu lebih termotivasi untuk fokus ke pengembangan dan produksi. Alasan lain? Seperti kita ketahui access ke resources bagi IOC makin terbatas.
Kapan terjadinya peak tentu harus melihat bagaimana peran dari unconventional oil (extra heavy oils, oil sands, ultra deepwater, etc), mengingat cadangan in-place nya besar, kalau ini masuk, tentu akan membuat peak oil molor lagi.
Istilah cadangan (reserves) cukup kompleks, banyak istilah istilah, seperti: proven, probable, possible, P1, P2, P3. Ultimate Recoverable Reserves (URR) itu sendiri dinamis, berubah ubah dengan bertambahnya data atau informasi baru. Kalau pada saat pengembangan awal asumsi cadangan P1, bisa jadi setelah ditambah informasi baru (dari sumur2 yang dibor), cadangan bisa di revisi jadi P2 (tentu bisa juga mengecil kurang dari P1). Decline curve juga unik untuk masing masing field.
Last but not least, tentu 2 faktor penting lain yaitu: investasi & teknologi, dua dua bisa memperlambat kapan terjadinya peak oil
Dalam kasus ini kita hanya melulu melihat dari sisi kemampuan supply, kita nggak ngomong urusan geopolitik (perang dan lain lain), juga faktor bencana alam.
Kembali ke kapan peak oil? Mungkin kita bisa balik bertanya, apa perlu menebak kapan terjadinya? Mengingat tebak2an sebelumnya lebih banyak meleset tanpa bisa menjelaskan kenapa meleset.
Kawan saya kalau ditanya kapan peak oil, dia jawabnya santai: peak oil itu kaya' kematian, suatu saat akan terjadi, tapi kapannya kita nggak tahu, apa perlu mem-forecast kematian he he?.
Olivert Appert dari IFP mungkin bisa memberi pencerahan buat yang merasa perlu menebak kapan peak oil, dia bilang: An optimist and a pessimist will obtain very different numbers that will yield very different peak oil dates. This peak could happen tomorrow or not until 2048, depending on the expert.
Jadi selanjutnya tergantung ente, masuk golongan yang pesimis apa optimis, atau golongan netral alias emang gue pikirin he he..!
Between 1970 and 1982, oil prices went from $1.35 a barrel to a high of nearly $35. That is a 26-fold increase. To match that experience this decade, the price of oil would have to reach $260 a barrel. In 1970s, the oil crisis was primarily political. This time around, the issue is ceiling on supply - a more difficult problem to solve.
Thats an excerpt from Stephen Leeb's 2006 book, "the coming economic collapse, how you can thrive when oil cost $200 a barrel." He's the author of "the oil factor", which published in February 2004. At the moment, oil price was under $33 a barrel and he predicted that soaring oil prices above $100 was around the corner.
His first book's prediction is 99% come true, which makes me afraid that his second book's will also follow. The foundation of his book is the supply ceiling, or peak oil is already near.
But then I think that high oil price is an inhibitor to the peak oil. Once the oil price reach a certain level, development of marginal field and exploration on difficult area becomes economically feasible, which then will add supply and at the end delay the peak.
It's a natural way to save a smooth transition from oil based energy to another source of energy. Until the peak is actually there, the oil price will then increase steadily.
i guess my last sentence on the comment above should be "Until the oil price cease to increase, the oil peak won't actually come."
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